Sample Manufacturing Plan
A. Purpose
This plan defines the JET Aircraft Interior Technical Services (JET) approach to conducting the manufacturing portion of the project. It defines the scope of the efforts, key production issues and how JET will resolve them, organizational responsibilities, interfaces, schedule and control process in that order. This plan represents an agreement between the project managers and the director of manufacturing that is designed to produce a quality interior while controlling cost and schedule. This plan reflects JET’s highly integrated working arrangements which have been responsible for our successful history in custom interior modifications.
B. Scope of the Effort
This project calls for producing aircraft interiors that will meet Executive Jet provided concepts and criteria. The program is a ____month program which starts______. The majority of the items to be used will be manufactured the completion centers back shops . See Tables (to be determined).
JET’s organization for management of the VIP aircraft program is shown in Figure (to be determine). Close relationships among all elements of production are required to meet the schedule of this program are shown in Figure (to be determine). The completion centers manufacturing is responsible for receiving, servicing, maintenance, inspections and test support. An individual is assigned as completions project manager for this and has full responsibility for all maintenance actions and the general well being of the aircraft(s) while in completion centers custody.
Manufacturing is responsible for all activity involved in removal of equipment, installation and check-out of equipment, painting, etc.
Manufacturing is responsible for producing parts for installation in the aircraft in accordance with engineering drawings and specifications.
The completion centers engineering provides technical liaison with engineering and is responsible in the early phases of design for ensuring that the proposed design can be produced and installed effectively.
Production Planning and Control is responsible for planning the work flow in the shop and on the floor, and integrating design, fabrication, installation and test. Detailed daily work schedules are produced and updated weekly to provide all team members with up-to-date information on the planned work flow. Daily production meeting are held to review progress and work out problems in real time. Modern production management methods are used to control the critical path items and provide visibility to management.
The critical interfaces for the Executive Jet project are between completions manufacturing vs engineering and between completions manufacturing vs procurement.
The engineering interface is critical in that manufacturing must perform to specification and drawings provided by completion center engineering. When problems are encountered, resolution must be prompt, complete and documented. This interface is protected by close working relationships at the subcontracting facilities reinforced by formal documentation procedures.
The interface with purchasing involves ordering and delivery of parts and material critical to production scheduling. While most completion centers maintain a substantial inventory of custom interior components such as drawer slides, it is essential that vendors be responsive to production needs. It is important the completion center has established a wide range of vendors who do respond quickly and accurately to their needs. In critical cases, parts are delivered overnight while purchase orders are being delivered to the vendor. A purchasing representative is dedicated to meeting the Executive Jet program vendor interface requirements.
This section defines the major tasks required of manufacturing for the Executive Jet project. Figure (to be determined) will show each of the tasks and how they relate as per the following discussion.
This set contains the major management tasks for the completion centers manufacturing program.
This task has begun in the proposal period and involves laying out the specific steps necessary to accomplish the interior modification within the time available. As the project proceeds, weekly work schedules for each department of manufacturing are developed and coordinated with the project manager. Once established, schedules are monitored on a three times a week basis. In the last month of the manufactured project, the schedules are monitored on a daily basis. Morning standup meetings should be conducted by the aircraft with all relevant department heads present and accountable.
Actual performance is measured by comparing progress to scheduled task completion at the schedule review meetings. Variance from schedule must be explained and a suitable work around or recovery program presented by the responsible shop supervisor. Actual resources expended are tracked by an automated system that accumulates manpower expenditure and material cost on a daily basis. A mechanized comparison between budgeted and actual resources is provided in the mechanized report.
At the completion center, safety should be everyone's business. This task provides the resources for formal evaluation and correction of potential hazards to personnel, facilities and equipment. This task addresses occupational and plant safety.
This set of tasks defines the major activities involved in providing maintenance to the aircraft while at the completion center.
When aircraft arrives at the completion center, it will be given a thorough receiving inspection covering the general condition, records and inventory of equipment. Discrepancies noted are bought to Executive Jet’s representatives attention.
The aircraft will only be at the completion center for (xx) months but will require preservation procedures in accordance with Boeing instructions to prevent deterioration while in the completion center. Special attention is given to protecting exposed sections of the aircraft from aviary fecal contamination or damage.
Prior to roll out of the aircraft, the completion center plane captain is responsible for accomplishing a thorough inspection and accomplishing maintenance, which is required. Included in this task is aircraft system servicing and system testing.
All parts will be fabricated by the completion center or approved vendors.
Detailed design of bulkhead are provided by completions engineering. Attachment fittings will be mounted using a holding fixture to ensure that sections are interchangeable. Bulkheads will be produced by the completion center back shops to meet the unique requirements of this modification.
Most furniture for the manufacturing shall be manufactured onsite. This approach satisfies the twin criteria of rapid manufacturing and preserving the ability to expedite cabin furnishing manufacturing. The objective is to have all furniture on hand at fabrication shops prior to check fit schedule. This will allow time for proper fitting of bulkheads and trim to the furniture.
Brackets for attaching head liner and bulkhead panels to the aircraft will be manufactured by the completion center. All attachments will be designed by engineering for easy removal when the aircraft is disassembled for inspections. The task includes the manufacture or ordering of all signs and placards for the aircraft.
All wire harnesses required to support the aircraft are produced in this task. Wires are numbered and connectors attached when practical. Wire harnesses are prepared in order to expedite installation. All plumbing is fabricated in accordance with engineering drawings and specifications. This approach reduces the possibility of a part shortage during the critical plumbing installation period.
Attaching hardware will be installed with careful consideration of the fact that the aircrafts will be returned to its original configuration in approximately (xx) months. Existing attachment points will be used for installing head liner sections and bulkheads when available. Prior to final installation, bulkheads and furnishings will be pre-installed, adjusted and then final finish applied. While the head liner and bulkheads are being finished all wiring and plumbing will be installed. Carpet and trim will be installed as a final step after all system checks are performed. All assemblies should be isolated from the airframe for noise abatement.
The aircraft will be painted in customer colors during the manufacturing flow at a schedule opening to be determined by paint facility quote and pre determined completion schedule. Paint schedule shall be such as to not impact the completion time of aircraft.
5.7 TEST
All Systems will be functionally tested as they are manufactured and then again as part of the final inspection check list. Test will be performed to ensure that all systems function properly in the normal operating envelope of the aircraft.
The master schedule for completion center manufacturing tasks is shown in Figure (to be determined). Manufacturing tasks begin well before engineering drawings are completed with preparation of detailed plans and direct support to engineering for design producibility. Long-lead tooling actions are initiated in direct coordination with engineering.
Manufacturing is responsible for receiving and preparing the aircraft for input to Executive Jet. Production of bulkheads and furniture items begin as soon as drawings are released by engineering and is conducted in close coordination with airframe to ensure proper fit.
Quality Control, in accordance with the manufacturing criteria, is applied over the entire program by the completion centers approved quality department which is independent of manufacturing. Ample time is programmed for final cleaning, closing, inspection and testing.
Tight scheduling of the Executive Jet project requires positive control and total integration of all production functions. JET Aircraft Interior Technical Services has established control processes that are tailored to the unique needs of producing custom corporate interiors. Our procedures are structured around the one-of-a-kind, superior quality of our products.
Control of production starts with effective planning of the project. This process should have already begun and resulted in a clear delineation of the required interfaces among manufacturing, engineering and purchasing. Program schedules should have been laid out and flowed down to the level of detail where work actually occurs. Each shop supervisor should have coordinated on the expected flow of work and coordinated Executive Jet program work with other known and programmed efforts.
Where potential schedule problems are found, the full range of workloads are reevaluated to find relief from the problems. When necessary, extended shifts are programmed to increase capacity. Because most interior items for the interior should be produced by the completion center, control over work flow will be easily corrected. When the completion center uses approved subcontractors, any products manufactured by subcontractors to established completion center standards, should have realistic and controllable schedules.
Manufacturing management and each shop supervisor are personally committed to meeting the planned schedule. This commitment is based on personal involvement in formulating the schedule and experience on previous executive interior modifications and a realistic understanding on the task at hand.
Manufacturing control at the completion center is simple, direct and effective. Start of work is keyed to drawing release date which has been scheduled in direct coordination between engineering and manufacturing based on priority required to meet the overall modification schedule. Each task is scheduled by the shop supervisor and integrated in the overall manufacturing plan.
Each day the manager of manufacturing conducts a review with each shop to assess progress and identify problems. A representative from engineering is present at that meeting to address technical issues and initiate technical assistance as required. The full scope of each shop's workloads are reviewed at the daily progress meetings. Any problem that impacts the schedule is made the subject of a task group meeting which is held the same day to resolve the problem. Problem resolution and status are reported at the next daily meeting and tracked until schedule impacts have been overcome.
All work in the shops is controlled by work orders and quality audit travelers. Work orders initiate the task and track cost and progress. Travelers are used to provide quality audit for each item by drawing number. When a drawing is released, a traveler is initiated to identify all quality stops required. As the part is manufactured, each quality inspection is recorded and the traveler accompanies the part through the manufacturing process. When manufacturing is complete and quality certified, the traveler becomes part of the permanent history of the modification.
All manufacturing processes at the completion center are performed in accordance with approved process specifications and design standards.
This section identifies the resources that will be used in support to the interior manufacturing program.
The completion center should have a minimum staff of approximately 250 skilled aircraft and interior technicians who have experience in performing each of the tasks required by the Executive Jet program. No additional manpower is required to support the manufacturing efforts.
Copyright 2020 Jet Aircraft Interior Technical Services